Baking with almond flour
The free-from health food trend has driven demand for alternatives to common ingredients like gluten, wheat and other overly processed foodstuffs.
Almond flour is one such product. It is typically made by grinding blanched or raw milled almonds.
It is a popular alternative to wheat flour for baking among health-conscious individuals or those with wheat or gluten food allergies or intolerances (almond flour is grain-free and gluten-free). Of course, it’s not suitable for anyone with nut allergies!
Get baking!
It also has a sweet flavour profile, which makes it a firm favourite in gluten-free baking recipes. However, you can’t swap wheat for almond flour on a one-to-one basis.
When baking without yeast, use ¼ (25%) less almond flour than the stipulated wheat portion. If your recipe includes yeast, use up to a third of a cup of almond flour for every cup of wheat flour.
You can also give your conventional baked treats a nutty flavour by substituting a quarter of the wheat flour with almond flour.
Nutritional profile
This nut-based flour is also high in fibre, offers a good source of plant-based protein (6.1g per 28g serving) and monounsaturated fat, and it is low in carbohydrates. These features rank almond flour on the glycaemic index and make it compatible with low-carb keto or paleo diets. It’s even Banting-friendly.
Beyond its favourable macronutrient profile among carb-conscious bakers, almond flour contains various nutrients. These include manganese, magnesium, copper, phosphorus and vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin with potent antioxidant effects.